The Definitive VEKTR Design and Destruction Manual

There’s a massive alien spaceship in the sky, dropping Depots and securing Outposts across X-Isle. The laser-wielding, artificially enhanced forces are a menace to Renegades, or, as GRAIL puts it, ‘a problem for profits.’ We’ll figure out why they’re even here once we get ‘em off our island, and this guide will provide you the knowledge to do just that.
“Can’t say if there is anyone underneath all that tech, but it falls just like any other in a suit.”
VEKTR’s boots on the ground. These foot soldiers do the dirty work of an invasion, with broad blades fitted to their cybernetically enhanced suits. Powered by the same force behind energy weapons, even under all that tech they’re surprisingly agile, rushing in and overwhelming their opponents with jump attacks. Manage to get the upper hand against them, and they’ll boot up their shield in defense.
Elite and Champion GAMMA troops boast even more advanced tech, with Champions able to deploy drones to aid them in combat.
“Looks like a human, but there’s clearly something rather… what’s the word? ‘Artificial’ to its intelligence.”
A bad mimicry of the human form, no doubt mass-produced as a supporting force to the invasion. These bots keep to clear coding, staying behind the frontlines and suppressing the enemy with ranged shots, while they avoid close quarters and dodge incoming attacks.
Much like GAMMA troops, Elite and Champion BETA’s sport more hardened and sinister armor, with Champions carrying deployable drones that will aid them in combat.
“It was all fun and games searching for the data key, until I saw the tank that was holding it.”
These battle-ready war drones are equipped with a powerful drill to crush through both earth and opponent. Their spidery legs are designed to anchor their weight as it strikes and support it as it transforms into a turret-like platform. No doubt repurposed from mining bots, DELTAs are the heavy weaponry of the VEKTR forces, but also the means of extracting any resources found within X-Isle.
It's wise to give them a wide berth, though they may be worth the risk to secure the data keys that unlock VEKTR Depots.
Elite variants have a silvery layer of extra armor, while Champions sport a sinister red (clearly a universal symbol for deadly) and have an entire detachment of deployable drones at their disposal.
“Well, that’s something they’ve improved on. If only natural and organic parasites were half as beneficial to their hosts.”
Like a deadly expansion pack, these drones are harmless and not a threat at all until they attach themselves to a host and bolster their abilities. They’re crafty little things too, if without a host and cornered, they’ll hop right off and disappear through a portal!
“The perfect domestic bot, with coding that suggests its original purpose was to complete household tasks. Just someone’s gone and installed a death drive on it, reckless.”
They’re still decorated in the uniform they wore while completing their initial household duties, or someone at VEKTR has a strange sense of army attire indeed. Whatever the case, these bots don’t look at home in battle, and they don’t seem to survive them too often either, as their sole purpose on the field is to rush in as close to their opponent as possible… and self-destruct.
The good news is, they’ve got horrible reflexes and barely ever dodge an attack, so gun them down first thing before they get too close!
There is only one variant of OMICRON (the one that goes boom).
“It’s the eye of the THETA you gotta watch out for.”
While the rest of VEKTR’s forces rush in to overwhelm the target on sight, the THETA stalks slow and methodical amongst them. Once locked in on its distracted target, it fires a concentrated blast of energy from the midfield. It takes a while for it to recharge, so take advantage of the downtime. If the second blast strikes the target, well, let’s hope you brought a couple of Heal-O-Cola crates to the fight.
With more factions joining the fray, you’ll have to stay sharp and read smart to survive out there! Make sure to also read The Comprehensive Bestiary, a remarkable tome of collective research on the invasive, otherworldly Disciple species, their habits, strengths, and peculiarities.