Follow the steps on this page to link your Twitch account with the HAWKED account you want to claim Twitch Drops for.


Watch HAWKED streams on Twitch hosted by Drop-enabled Content Creators.


Rack up enough viewing time, claim items from your Twitch Drops Inventory, and receive them in-game!

What are Twitch Drops?

Twitch Drops are rewards for players who watch Drop-enabled HAWKED streams on Twitch. Follow the instructions on this page to link your Twitch account with your HAWKED account, then simply watch select streams while a Twitch Drops campaign is active to earn in-game content!

Which streams do I need to watch to get Twitch Drops?

View time from all Drop-enabled HAWKED streams count towards earning Twitch Drops. Check on Twitch for streams with the "Drop Enabled" tag, and check official HAWKED channels to find out when new Twitch Drops campaigns are available.

Will my Twitch Drops from Open Beta be available in the full version of HAWKED?

Yes, any Twitch Drops you earn in Open Beta are yours to keep permanently!

When and how will I receive my in-game items?

You will receive a notification on Twitch when you earn an item from Twitch Drops. Link your Twitch and HAWKED accounts, claim your items from your Twitch Drops Inventory on Twitch, then log in and play HAWKED to receive your items. It may take a little time for your items to appear in-game.

How can I check my progress toward earning Twitch Drops?

Your Twitch Drops Inventory will display progress to your next reward. Watch participating streams to increase your progress!

How do I unlink my Twitch account and HAWKED account?

You can manage any connected accounts via the Twitch Connections page.

I haven't received my item(s) from Twitch Drops, what should I do?

If you have linked your accounts and claimed your item(s) from your Drops Inventory and have not received your content in-game within 24 hours, please contact MY.GAMES Support for further assistance.

How can I enable Twitch Drops on my stream?

If you're a Twitch streamer interested in creating content for HAWKED, you can apply to join the Content Creator Program and participate in future Twitch Drops campaigns! For special campaigns, we may allow all streamers to enable Drops on their streams, even if they're not a part of the Content Creator Program. In this case, to enable Twitch Drops on your channel: link your HAWKED and Twitch accounts, enable Drops in your Creator Dashboard on Twitch (do this via ‘Viewer Rewards’ in your channel settings), and then start streaming HAWKED to your audience!