Weapons Guide: A Renegade’s Arsenal

There’s no shortage of choice when it comes to weapons in HAWKED. Besides being a great way to flex your personal Renegade style with Weapon Patterns, there’s a gun, armament, and grenade to suit every playstyle under the storm.
While you can only hold on to two weapons and one grenade type at a time (can’t we hoard ‘em all?), having a rough idea of what loadout to go for is half the hunt.
Join us for a closer look at weapons, different types, how to identify them, ammo, grenades, and where on the Riftwake you can try them all out.
With great rarity come great weapons! Affecting weapon parameters such as damage, rate of fire, recoil control and spread, magazine size, and cooling, you can recognize a weapon's rarity grade by its icon’s background color.
There are three ammo types in HAWKED, each used for different weapon types. You can find ammo in loot crates and weapon stashes, and by purchasing it from GRAIL shop stations.
- Plain Ammo: Plain ammo may sound mundane, but it's used in more weapons than any other type of ammo. It'll keep your pistols, SMGs, and assault rifles locked and loaded.
- Efficient Ammo: Used in shotguns, snipers, and other high-damage weapons, efficient ammo brings the heat.
- Energy Ammo: used to fuel the energy-based weapons recovered by GRAIL from the advanced yet abandoned outposts across X-Isle. By allowing Renegades to use these reclaimed energy weapons, GRAIL hopes to learn more about their mysterious creators.
There are plenty of categories of weapons in HAWKED, with many differences between guns, from recoil to their scope interface, and how they sound.
Essential for those long-range shots, they won’t know what hit ‘em.
- Peller SR17: High-caliber, bolt-action sniper rifle.
- Quasar: Semi-automatic with a triangular spread shot blast pattern.
- Comet Cutter: Energy-powered & semi-automatic.
Looking to lay down some long-range firepower? Look no further than the Light Machine Gun.
- Goodfella: Gatling style & high RPM.
- Foulstar: Energy-powered machine gun.
They’re versatile, they’re classic, and they’re everything you need for mid-range combat.
- Tightframe: Single-shot semi-automatic assault rifle.
- Trident MAX: Burst-fire assault rifle.
- Steady 20-20: Burst-fire with delayed recoil system.
- Fantome: Semi-automatic suppressed marksman rifle.
- Zed 92: Classic fully-automatic assault rifle.
- Penumbra: Energy-powered and fully automatic.
More compact than their LMG cousins, and better suited to close-range combat.
- Moonduster: Energy-powered burst-fire.
- GARR 21: High RPM with advanced recoil for high control.
- Mazzikin: An absolutely classic SMG.
- Duonic: Double-barreled energy-powered SMG.
Small, deadly, and concise–the perfect combination for mid to close-range combat.
- R&M Governor: High-caliber & high-damage.
- Autotack: Burst-fire.
- Hardtack: Semi-automatic.
- Dark Spark: Energy weapon with overcharge.
Shotguns fire powerful blasts that are most effective at shorter ranges, good for scaring Disciples off your lawn.
- Muldoon: Pump action.
- Hasta Luego: Sawn-off double-barrel.
- Tyrant-8: Fully automatic with a drum magazine.
Stand out while you’re on the hunt with big hits and big energy. Disciples and rival Renegades, we recommend you scatter.
- Neo-Riot: Direct-fire grenade launcher.
- Supernova: Charge shot energy-powered laser gun.
Things that go ‘boom’! Pull the pin, count, throw, and watch the fireworks.
- Frag Grenade: Just a classic explosive with classic ‘boom’ power
- Poison Grenade: Explodes to create an area of effect that deals damage over time.
- Stun Grenade: Stuns everything within its radius.
- Anti-Shield Grenade: Places a shield-blocking zone on impact.
Limited by charges, Armaments are a unique class of unconventionally powerful weaponry with complex mechanics. From heavy-hitting melee weapons to deadly—and sometimes not so deadly—guns, choose well to switch tactics and turn the tide.
- Get-Up Gun: Support weapon. Aim/hip fire alternation for direct and Area of Effect healing.
- Hotstepper: Aim/hip fire alternation for mine throwing/detonation.
- Outrider: Aim/hip fire for alternating direct and homing charges.
- Ultra Hammer: Heavy high-damage melee weapon.
- Islander Staff: Fast melee weapon.
With so much variety of firepower available, GRAIL has equipped the Riftwake with a Shooting Range for Renegades to try them out. You can find all the weapons available in HAWKED there, as well as the Food and Mods found on X-Isle, making it the perfect place to craft your playstyle and prepare for your hunts!
IMPORTANT: All details are accurate at the time of writing, but are subject to change and expand as we discover more about X-Isle’s mysteries. Play HAWKED to discover all this and more for yourself!