Currency Guide: Hawks, Wonderium, and GE-0 Cash

Being a Renegade is hard work, but it’s not without its rewards. The more you explore X-Isle and extract its treasures, the more funds you’ll acquire for your loadout.
Read up on this guide for a look at the currencies available in HAWKED, how to obtain them, and what you can buy with them.
What are Hawks and how do I obtain them? The bread and butter of a Renegade’s coin purse, Hawks are earned on the job through various activities on X-Isle, completing Contracts, and progressing your Renegade Pass.
How can I spend Hawks? Visit GE-0 to spend Hawks on Gears, Boosters, and cosmetic items, or use them to upgrade your Gears and Artifacts through your Loadout. You can also sell your Artifacts and Trinkets to GE-0 for more Hawks!
What is Wonderium and how do I obtain it? Wonderium is a rare mineral found in deposits dotted around X-Isle, and the stuff Artifacts are made of! Renegades can mine it from the deposits during their hunts, earn it through Contracts and Renegade Pass progression, or trade with GE-0 to deconstruct existing Artifacts into Wonderium.
How can I spend Wonderium? You can spend Wonderium through GE-0 to upgrade your Gears and Artifacts, useful if you’re looking to specialize your abilities!
What is GE-0 Cash and how do I obtain it? GE-0 Cash is a premium currency that can be purchased from the Shop on the Riftwake and via platform storefronts.
How can I spend GE-0 Cash? You can spend it in-game on the current Renegade Pass, or to purchase or extend your GRAIL+ subscription, as well as cosmetic items like Outfits, Weapon Patterns, Customizations, and more!
What is CRED and how do I obtain it? Earned on the hunt, CRED is an in-match currency credited by GRAIL to Renegades for looting crates, eliminating enemies, visiting new locations, and performing parkour combos. CRED will keep rolling in throughout your hunts, and up to 1,000 CRED will transfer over to the next match if a Renegade successfully evacuates from X-Isle. If a Renegade is defeated or fails to evacuate the island, they will lose all their collected CRED.
Where can I spend CRED? You can spend your CRED at the GRAIL shop stations around X-Isle to pick up useful weapons and supplies, especially when you haven’t found what you’re looking for in any loot crates. Not sure what to spend your CRED on? Leave it to chance with the Bet-and-Roll!
All in all, keep hunting Artifacts and stay up to the usual Renegade mischief, and you’re sure to find the coins rolling into your pockets.
See you on the hunt!
IMPORTANT: All details are accurate at the time of writing, but are subject to change and expand as we discover more about X-Isle’s mysteries. Play HAWKED to discover all this and more for yourself!