HAWKED | 1.4.2 Update Notes

Look alive, Renegades! The following changes are available in HAWKED as of the latest update on Thursday, April 18, 2024. Update your game to play the latest version of HAWKED for free on your platform of choice.
- Stability improvements on Xbox Series X|S.
- GE-0: Fixed a bug that allowed Renegades to sell Wonderium Nuggets and Motherlodes for 0 Hawks and 0 Wonderium. This option is no longer available, while deconstructing Nuggets and Motherlodes will grant the correct amount of Wonderium.
Availability: Daily from 19:00 CEST / 10:00 PDT until 02:00 CEST / 17:00 PDT
Grab a Renegade partner and scour X-Isle for Wonderium in this new limited-time PVP Duo Mode! In Wonder Rush, you need to equip your Traverser and bash as many Wonderium veins as you can to collect Nuggets and Motherlodes. Get your precious minerals to an Extraction Point to increase your score, with the first duo with the most points at the end taking the top spot.
Other Renegades will be out for your Wonderium, so stay on your toes. Random respawn points are also in effect, and there’s no limit on how often you return to the fray—because you can't keep a good Renegade down.
For more information about Wonder Rush, check out our dedicated article, and be sure to play before April 28.
A never-before-seen tribe of Disciples has emerged on X-Isle! These subterranean fire-flingers have crawled out from the island's magmatic underbelly to help fight whoever challenges the reptilian reign of their horde. Have they emerged to fight GRAIL? Or have rumblings of a new threat put the Disciples on edge?
Even more sparkling loot is available to extract from Treasuries and Caravans:
- [Artifact] Combusti-Core: Somewhat reminiscent of the modern hand grenade, this partially broken Artifact is filled with an exotic concoction that greatly amplifies nearby explosions. The item’s exact mode of explosive combustion still causes heated debate among GRAIL scientists. Be very careful when handling this volatile Artifact, Renegades!
- Base Effect: Your grenade explosions create up to four secondary explosions, each dealing up to 20/23/26/29 damage.
- Legendary Upgrade: The number of secondary explosions generated is increased to six.
- [Artifact] Shellblazer: A testament to the close connection between islanders and the oceans nearby. An obvious effigy, Renegades may draw clear parallels between a turtle’s shell and the object’s shield-powering properties. The additional “cuteness” helps the Artifact transcend from simple ornament to a must-have collector’s item.
- Base Effect: Upon losing full shield capacity, create an explosion with a 6m radius that knocks back enemies and deals damage equal to 60/67/73/80% of your max shield value. Explosion damage decreases with distance.
- Legendary Upgrade: Artifact explosion radius is increased by 30%.
- [Artifact] Fallback Frog: Like many similar Artifacts, this particular relic is lovingly modeled after an indigenous animal, likely in an effort to harness the creature’s innate “being” in totem form. In this particularly charming case, the frog’s dexterous ability is playfully channeled through the leap-and-tumble action.
- Base Effect: Your next dodge roll does not cost stamina and does not interrupt stamina restoration. Cooldown lasts 7/6.5/6/5.5 seconds.
- Legendary Upgrade: Dodge roll distance is increased by 30%.
A few more changes have been made to the availability of Artifacts:
- The Chosen's Token and Attunement Fife Artifacts can now be found in Caravan Chests.
- Renegades now also have an increased chance of obtaining Artifacts from Treasuries and Caravans that could previously only be obtained from Treasuries.
- The Collector Coil and Nimble Newt Artifacts no longer appear in Caravan Chests.
The timetable for Contracts has been adjusted:
- Showdown periods now start on Mondays.
- Showdowns now last for 13 days, with a 1-day break.
IMPORTANT: This change will cause Contracts in the current Showdown period to end.
Chat to GE-0 to spend any Wonderium you extract from Wonder Rush on Gear and Artifact upgrades, now with massively reduced costs!
Bjorn will now announce that five minutes remain when the main Artifact is extracted, not when the Treasury is opened. Stay on your toes and get back to the Riftwake with that treasure, Renegades!
- [Artifact] Sprintide
- The time to get the maximum damage reduction bonus has been decreased from 4 to 3 seconds.
- [Artifact] Powerglass
- Cooldown reduction bonus reduced from 40/45/50/55% to 35/40/45/50%.
- [Artifact] Solacenser
- Artifact cooldown increased from 6 to 8 seconds.
- [Island] Jellyfish Pools
- Jellyfish shield boost bonus decreased from 15 to 10.
- [Exo Gear] Doomerang
- Can now only bounce once off of every target.
- Rare Upgrade: Cooldown reduction per bounce increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds.
- Max flight time increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds.
- Cooldown increased from 15 to 20 seconds.
- Flight speed decreased from 30m per second to 25m per second.
- [Exo Gear] Kick-Back Coin
- Flight speed decreased from 40m per second to 35m per second.
- Cooldown increased from 15 to 20 seconds.
- GRAIL Legend info text updated to reiterate that Trinkets and Boosters are also removed upon Account Level progress reset.
- Renegade Pass Quest objective "Restore Health or Shield Points" has been updated to "Restore Health."
- Game Mode selection is locked to the squad leader if a squadmate does not meet the conditions to unlock or access the mode.
- Fix for displaying the received Battle Pass level in the notification
- Game Mode selector will display a notification if there is a new mode that has not yet been played.
- Client performance optimizations.
- Dodge rolls now consume 40 stamina instead of 50.
- You can dodge roll while being slowed (but being slowed while rolling will still cancel active rolls, dashes, etc.).
- Reduced the speed penalty for slowdown effects.
- Fixed a bug that caused freezing after completing an Achievement/Trophy.
- [Artifact] Death Grip: Fixed a bug that caused the Artifact to max out the health of enemies.
- [Artifact] Soul Siphon: Fixed a bug that caused the Artifact to stop working after a knockdown.
- [Artifact] Survival Slab: Fixed a bug that caused slabs to appear too far apart.
- Added the Familiar’s sounds to a dialogue with Nellie when it flies away.
- Fixed an issue that caused color customization options to be missing from the Gatorfolk Avatar immediately after purchase.
- Caravans can no longer be blocked by a Renegade accidentally getting stuck in the front part of them (bold move, Renegades).
- Caravan Chests will no longer fly away to a location where another Caravan has been defeated.
- [Pressure Pillar] Fixed a bug that caused pressure plates to be pressed from the beginning, preventing completion of the Encounter.
- Fixed a bug where a Renegade could be teleported into the ocean after using [Exo Gear] Veteran's Blade.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a weapon to behave incorrectly after spawning.
- Fixed the positioning of the [Armament] Islander Staff on the Backpack.
- Fixed a bug that caused the camera to shake in certain circumstances during teleportation caused by the [Ward Gear] Snap-Track.
- Fixed rotation on the mouse button not working while customizing your Renegade in the Tutorial.
- Fixed the original position of the Settings sliders for which the value has been changed.
- Fixed a bug where server maintenance text would extend beyond the black background.
- Removed mentions of increased sprinting speed from the descriptions of certain Gear, Glyphs, and Artifacts that do not grant that bonus.
- Fixed the display of upgrade prices at Upgrade Stations after reviving in a match.
- Fixed an issue where Renegades’ body parts would appear to be missing while spectating other players.
Play HAWKED for free on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows PC via MY.GAMES Launcher and Steam!
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All details in this article are accurate as of the time of publication. Follow HAWKED on Discord and via social channels for up-to-date information. If you need troubleshooting for common technical problems or account-related queries, or if you can’t find a solution to your issue, please visit our Support page.