On Corrupted Combat: A Renegade’s Codex

Of all the three Realities unleashed by the Heart of the Island, the Corrupted Heartlands are where Renegades will face their greatest challenge. Few possess the skill to survive the horrors found upon its dark and twisted shores. Once a land of promise and plunder, it is now the playground of a force left unchecked to corrupt everything its tendrils latch on to.
This Codex on Corrupted Combat, a dark crimson, leather-bound tome, tells of each horrific monstrosity found across the heartlands. Author unknown, the hasty, trembling hand in which it is written tells of the terrors witnessed by the soul who wrote it.
“Survival was easy. Clean up wasn’t.”
Once the foot soldiers of the Disciple horde, Scourgers are a monstrosity so infected that on the brink of death, they are consumed entirely, exploding in a burst of corruption that deals damage to Renegades too close.
An otherwise easy threat to deal with across the wider ranks of Corrupted. Be mindful to avoid their final death throe and keep a distance from their ripping claws.
“Though I walk through the darkest Reality, I shall fear no Reaver.”
The distant cousin of the Scourger, though slightly more innovative with their affliction. They didn’t just survive the force unleashed by the Heart, but thrived, weaponizing the corruption into projectiles. Take care to avoid their missiles, they’ll latch on and slow down all they touch — including you, while also leaving pools of corruption on the ground.
They may seem harmless from the sidelines, but as they spread corruption and dot the arena with pools, you may find yourself not only slowed but cornered while the rest of the Corrupted close in.
“Corruption spreads, drums... drums in the heartlands.”
The Defiler’s twisted body matches its twisted mind. Still clutching the shamanistic drum it once struck to bolster its brethren. Now, it uses its power to control a target’s life force not to heal allies but steal from foes. Don’t watch yourself wither away taking on the Corrupted with a Defiler in the group. Keep this one in your crosshairs, preferably before you even engage, as between bouts of siphoning your health it will also summon packs of Maulers.
“Nothing brings pause more than a lumbering Executioner between you and your loot.”
All brawn and just enough brains to sweep its heavy weapon wide as it charges right at you. You could try keeping a distance, but you’ll have to dodge its stunning roars, far-reaching spear throws, and ground-breaking shockwaves. This monstrosity’s got all the maneuvers covered, and it can sure take a beating, too.
The good news is, if you manage to survive the terrifying ordeal of bringing it down, Executioners are a solid sign of loot nearby!
“I threw my last grenade, only to see the Trickster fade away in the blast. An illusion…”
A fitting name for a Corrupted with a set of tricks up its tendrils. Fine-tuned for deceit, the Trickster corrupts the fabric of reality to spawn duplicates of itself across the field. Don’t let its true form out of your sight, or you may find your target to be an illusion. Once successfully tricked, the Trickster teleports behind its prey to latch on with its tentacles and channel damage.
“While indeed shaped like a best friend, it ABSOLUTELY is NOT!”
Many a Renegade has sought to befriend the Mauler, but these little critters answer to two handlers only – Defilers and Terrormaws. Summoned in groups during a fight, while easy enough to deal with alone, they’re hard to keep at bay in a pack. You may choose to gun them down as they appear, but know they are skittish fiends when left to their devices. Evade or bring down the handler that summons it, and a Mauler will hastily retreat through a portal.
“Small, squishy, positively sluggish menaces to X-Isle’s once lush ecosystem.”
Similar, but far more terrifying than the average garden pest. Sluggers have a tendency to absorb loot as they crawl about feeding off X-Isle’s flora. It’s worth a shot trying to get them to drop it, though they’ve taken a page out of the Trickster’s book. Threaten a Slugger, and it’ll split into three, leaving you guessing which is real and which is illusion. You’ll get some fine loot to line your pockets if you squish the right one, though!
“Go for the eye!”
Much like the Slugger, Watchers have an eye for loot. Though they’re tough to spot and tougher to target, shoot them right in the eye when you run across one to reveal their weak spot and deal some damage. When they watch no longer, their loot will be ripe for the taking!
“Facing a Terrormaw is a crash course in combat… and dental care.”
The apex horror of the Corrupted Heartlands. Hoping to get back to the Riftwake in one piece? Protected by a thick, impenetrable hide, you’ll have to knock out some teeth to reveal its weak spot and any chance of getting past it. Beware the maw as it inhales, or you’ll get caught in the draw and pulled within range for a heavy punch or crushing bite. Don’t keep too far a distance either, or it’ll barrel roll right at you, stomp out shockwaves, or release the hounds by summoning a pack of Maulers.
With all the horrors you’d have confronted to face the Terrormaw, it’s the perfect finale to drive home the unspeakable terror the Heart of the Island has unleashed — all thanks to the hubris and greed that pursued it.
The Corrupted aren’t the only dangers to haunt X-Isle’s Realities. Stay sharp and read smart if you want to survive out there! Make sure to flip through The Comprehensive Bestiary, a remarkable tome of collective research on the invasive, otherworldly Disciple species, their habits, strengths, and peculiarities. As well as The Definitive VEKTR Design and Destruction Manual, so you don’t just rage against the machines, but study and hit ‘em where it hurts!