Dev Diary: Coming Soon to Venture 3!

We’ve talked a lot about the current status of HAWKED and our plans to reinvigorate its gameplay with a massive upcoming PvE Mode update. 

But while that’s cooking, we’ve still got a full-fledged conflict underway on X-Isle. The final page of Issue #2 is about to turn when the Venture 3 Update launches on September 12, with new Artifacts, Class Cards, Encounters, and even Renegade personalities to discover. Here’s a bit of what you can expect!

To Venture 3 and Beyond

It’s an exciting time to be on the hunt as Issue #2: Dark Arrival reaches its final page. With VEKTR closing in on their target, it’s a race to get to the heart of the matter. Renegades will be tasked with uncovering the last vestiges of X-Isle’s mysteries and tie up the threads that weave the tapestry of its past… and decide its future!

Ahead of the huge update coming in Q4 2024, we faced a challenge: adapting the storyline to make sense of where we’re going. Making the Riftwake, X-Isle, and all its characters and personalities a living, breathing stage and cast for a game was something we’ve always taken seriously. The upcoming PvE and Issue #3 update isn’t simply a new mode to select in a menu, it’s all a part of this unfolding story. We’re happy with how it’s turning out — and can’t wait for you to play your part.

New Loot, Class Cards, and Features

We’ve previously mentioned a fourth Artifact Slot coming to your Loadout in Venture 3, allowing more combinations than ever. But what’s a new slot without new equipment? There are three new Artifacts available in Venture 3 that you can collect throughout Story Quests, or on the hunt.

  • The Restoration Jug: A universal healing Artifact. Great for a Support playstyle, or to balance an already aggressive loadout.
  • The Ritual Torch: Renegades who want to see the world burn will find this Artifact a great addition to their collection of combustibles.
  • The Hermit’s Crown: If you’re more in it for the journey, this Artifact is a good choice to benefit from the calm between fights or bolster a defensive playstyle.

The new Artifacts also tie into three out of five new additions to the Class Card deck, which also includes the Wrath Raven, winner of the June 2024 Class Card contest!

  • Astra Throwback: After teleporting with the Snap-Track Gear, leave behind an active, non-upgraded version of the Devoider's gravity anomaly.
  • Big Chugz: Don’t engage on an empty stomach. Gorge and forge ahead with a temporary Shield boost while consuming any food or drink.
  • Snort-Scorch: For firestarters and punkin’ instigators who set gunfights ablaze by unleashing every ounce of firepower they can stack in their Loadout.
  • Wrath Raven: Hunt your prey, pick them clean. Here's to you, Master Card-crafter Raven0V (Winner of the June 2024 Class Card contest!
  • Saito: He’s going the distance, he’s going for speed, and a massively damaging strike with Veteran’s Blade straight out of invisibility.

As the fight for X-Isle comes to a head, there’s a new Encounter to tackle and character to meet. You may run into a character called Diego on your hunts, a Renegade looking for treasure but only ever really finding trouble. You’ll also occasionally be challenged by the Circuit Sync, an Encounter where only the correct pattern of wires will connect the energy dispenser to the receiver and unlock the prize within.


To increase match frequency and shorten queues, we will combine Squad and Solo matches. Solo players will receive a buff that increases their Health, Shield damage, and PvE damage while also reducing their Shield cooldown. Meanwhile, halved buffs will also be granted to two-player Squads.

We’ll be covering these new features and changes in more depth on the release of Venture 3 on September 12. And I’ll be back soon with new updates on the PvE mode, so stay tuned!

Andy Duthie, Executive Producer (HAWKED)

IMPORTANT: All the content covered in this Dev Diary is still in development. Names, dates, and feature functionality may be subject to change.