Class Card Contest: The Winner Revealed!

Not long ago, we challenged you to craft a Class Card of your own for the chance to have your creation immortalized as a legendary Renegade. Blown away by the treasure-looting and danger-shooting guts and grit of the entries, we upped the voting round from five entries to seven — with you having the final say on the winner!
As a reminder, all seven finalists will be rewarded, but only the most-voted entry will be added to the game.
So, without further ado… Drumroll!
Winner and Master Card-crafter
Congratulations on the amazing effort, Renegade! You’ll be awarded 1,170 GE-0 Cash, and your entry will be developed into an Official Class Card!
Raven by Raven0V
When GRAIL calls for the capture of rogue Renegades working for VEKTR, Raven the Bounty Hunter answers. Draped in a black coat, and with his battle-worn Fantome rifle in hand, he’s ready for the hunt. You can run, but you can't hide...
A card for Renegade seeking to specialize in tracking. The Warden’s Glass, Collar of Scorn, and Collector Coil does just that while adding a dash of bounty hunter role-play to the match. Playing the style of a solo and daring hunter, the combination of Huntclaw and Echo-Pulsar allow for an easy flank and finish maneuver to take down your prey.
Hats off to you, 720 GE-0 Cash is coming your way!
Disciple de Patecatl by ZéDaManga
All of our finalists will receive 300 GE-0 Cash each!
Hound Bomber by ImFlame-
Back Again Ben by INV4L1D
Class Clown by DamageGGs
Bloodhound, The Tireless Hunter by OrangeCoffee
Congratulations to all of our finalists, and a big thank you to everyone who entered the Class Card Contest! Prizes will be distributed within two weeks, and we’ve started development on the winning Class Card, which will be added to HAWKED in a future patch.
Many of you crafted entries close to Class Cards already in the works and planned for future releases. While they couldn’t be put up for voting in the final round, we’d like to reward these entries for their foresight and will be sharing the complete list in a future article!