Shop Spotlight! Slayers in the Night

Dark times have arrived on X-Isle, but GE-0 has stocked up on just the right styles for Renegades to adapt.

Don the garb of the Shadow Slayer Avatar (225 GE-0 Cash), or the Grim Mask (75 GE-0 Cash) and be the vengeful hunter X-isle needs to bring VEKTR to justice. Available from the Shop until June 13!

To visit the Shop and check out the full collection, stop by the lower deck of the Riftwake and chat with GE-0 or access it via the navigation menu.

There have been big changes to the Shop with the release of Issue #2: Dark Arrival. We’ve massively reduced base prices across the board, including an average of 30% price reductions on certain item categories. Read all about our pricing changes!