Issue #2: Dark Arrival Weapons Manual

What’s treasure hunting without new guns, right? We love making new guns, and we know you love shooting new guns. That’s why six all-new weapons are available to loot in Issue #2: Dark Arrival.
These new firearms fill unique niches, and we’re sure you’ll enjoy trying them all out on the Shooting Range and X-Isle. Handle with care, Renegades, because these guns are coming in hot (this is not a figure of speech, some are quite literally very hot)!
- Weapon Category: Assault Rifle
- Ammo Type: Plain
- Fire Mode: Fully-automatic
- Range: Close-to-medium
Hunter’s Manual
The pride of the arms manufacturers who sit on GRAIL's Board of Directors, the BTAR 33 assault rifle has all the trademarks of STAAL Industries. Reliable firepower? Check. Built to last? For sure. Cool design? Absolutely.
The BTAR 33 is a great assault rifle that not only performs well but looks the part too. Warning: this gun is guaranteed to make your teammates jealous, so try not to be too much of a showoff.
Helpful Hints
The BTAR 33 is efficient in close to mid-range firefights—but don’t let its accuracy mislead you into thinking it’s also suited to long-range engagements. While it can deal damage from afar in the right hands, keep engagements in close proximity.
Hip-firing the BTAR 33 is a little tricky as it’s not very accurate, so ADS (aiming down sights) is necessary if you want to land shots consistently.
Fun Fact: The BTAR 33 was named “Sexiest Gun of the Year” two years in a row by GRAIL’s Treasures and Bounty Monthly.
FARpoint 15
- Weapon Category: Assault Rifle
- Ammo Type: Efficient
- Fire Mode: Semi-automatic (single-shot)
- Range: Medium-to-long
Hunter’s Manual
Used worldwide in shooting competitions, the FARpoint 15 is renowned for its incredible accuracy. This semi-automatic rifle is fantastic for designated marksmen looking to pack a mean punch from mid to long ranges. But its damage and accuracy are also complemented by a quick fire rate, so long as your trigger finger is fast enough.
Its sleek design makes it a must-have for any Renegade going for that “tacticool” look.
Helpful Hints
In firefights, it is highly recommended to keep your distance from the target, as the FARpoint 15 doesn’t perform well at close range.
It’s a good idea to keep an SMG or shotgun on hand in case of a CQB (close-quarters battle) when using the FARpoint 15.
- Weapon Category: Assault Rifle
- Ammo Type: Plain
- Fire Mode: Burst (dual-shot)
- Range: Medium
Hunter’s Manual
When a single bullet won't suffice, Satyr chambers and shoots out more in a burst-fire mode, guaranteeing constant compliance with the "Double-Tap" rule. The deadly burst mode of the Satyr makes it a great weapon for mid-range engagements.
Renegades who’ve used the Satyr describe it as a weapon of true professionals. Once you can control its burst, mid-range fights will always be in your favor.
Helpful Hints
How well you control the Satyr’s burst will either make or break firefights. Renegades who like to spray lead will likely not have a good time with the gun’s fire rate.
By learning to time your shots, the Satyr will become a very lethal weapon and reign king over any mid-range firefight.
Twin Eclipse
- Weapon Category: Sniper Rifle
- Ammo Type: Energy
- Fire Mode: Burst (dual-shot)
- Range: Long
Hunter’s Manual
How do you make a dual-blasting, burst-firing, sniper rifle even more lethal? Slap a silencer on it and make it fire lasers, of course! Voila — you have yourself the Twin Eclipse.
This weapon has stirred up controversy in the sniping purists’ community, who believe that “true” snipers do not fire in burst mode. You should’ve seen the look on their faces when they saw the Twin Eclipse in action!
Helpful Hints
Do your best to land the burst, as a single missed shot could cost you the kill. Landing the first shot and missing the second one will still deal a lot of damage, but will also give away your position. On top of that, charging up for another burst takes time, meaning your target can escape.
If the first shot of your burst hit the target but the second missed, don’t bother charging up another burst all the way. Just fire another one ASAP, while you still have the target in your sights.
Fun Fact: Though the Twin Eclipse is silenced, many treasure hunters have been spotted and found because they kept saying “pew-pew” while firing the rifle.
Solar Flare
- Weapon Category: Shotgun
- Ammo Type: Energy
- Fire Mode: Semi-Automatic (single-shot)
- Range: Close-to-medium
Hunter’s Manual
Shotguns are scary as it is, but make it an energy weapon and call it something scary like “Solar Flare” and you have yourself the perfect close-range powerhouse.
Like a burst of energy from the Sun's surface, the Solar Flare fires a ton of energy pellets, which fly through the air in an arc. It’s absolutely deadly at close ranges, and can even cut through multiple targets when aimed from specific angles.
Helpful Hints
The Solar Flare is a shotgun, so it’s not meant for long-range engagements. However, if you aim higher, the energy pellets will go farther, since the Solar Flare fires in an arc. And while you likely won’t hit targets that are too far away, you can engage in medium-range firefights so long as you can calculate the trajectory of the arc.
The Solar Flare can be used very effectively against groups of enemies. Since it does AOE (area of effect) damage, if enemies are clumped together you can take out several of them with only a few shots, making the Solar Flare energy-efficient.
- Weapon Category: Unique
- Ammo Type: Energy
- Fire Mode: Single
- Range: Medium
Hunter’s Manual
The Pulsar is the gun you’d use against that person you really don’t like. It fires clusters of explosives and its payload leaves nothing in its wake. Its unique firing mechanism makes it one of the most sought-after weapons in GRAIL’s arsenal.
Getting feedback in regards to the Pulsar has been a challenge, as most Renegades are left speechless after firing this monstrosity.
Helpful Hints
Do not use the Pulsar in CQB. The Pulsar deals a ton of damage and it indiscriminately dispatches anything and everything. The Pulsar can ruin your day as much as it’s capable of making it better. This is why Renegades are strongly advised to keep their distance after firing a payload.
The payload of the Pulsar breaks up into smaller cluster charges after being fired. You can leverage this to take down several foes at once, which means the Pulsar is also energy-efficient.
Fun Fact: The Pulsar was actually designed as a mounted weapon, not portable. But it looked so cool to fire it on the go, that many Renegades just couldn’t resist. Since then, MedBay has reported an increase in shoulder-related injuries, but no one can quite figure out why.
- Weapon Category: SMG
- Ammo Type: Plain
- Fire Modes: Fully Automatic and Burst
- Range: Close-to-medium
Hunter’s Manual
The Gundog was originally the signature weapon of security personnel in charge of guarding GRAIL higher-ups and officials. However, recently it has appeared in the hands of Renegades who prefer a versatile and hard-hitting SMG for close to medium firefights.
The Gundog features two fire modes: fully automatic and a tap burst fire, which is more accurate when dealing with medium-range targets. The Gundog’s most touted design feature is its light weight, owing to its compact size. How do we know this is the most popular feature? Renegades who’ve used it report fewer elbow aches.
Helpful Hints
Though the Gundog has a lower rate of fire when compared to other SMGs, it makes up for this with a larger magazine and higher damage per shot.
Its two fire modes also make it a versatile weapon. Holding the trigger down will unleash a fully automatic volley of bullets, which is great for close-quarter combat. Meanwhile, quick taps will fire the weapon in bursts, much better for medium-range targets.
Fun Fact: The Gundog’s compact design is so effective, that some security staff have been known to dual-wield it. Mind you, they never hit anything. But it still looks really cool.
- Weapon Category: Shotgun Revolver
- Ammo Type: Efficient
- Fire Modes: Double Action
- Range: Close-to-medium
Hunter’s Manual
Is it a revolver? Is it a shotgun? It’s both! The Brimstone is the sweetheart of many strong-armed Renegades who can handle the stopping power that this beast can dish out.
It is highly recommended to use the Brimstone in close quarters, but its cross-shaped tight cone of fire allows wielders to engage targets in medium ranges as well. Its low spread means the cone of fire is denser, maximizing its damage capabilities with the Efficient ammo type.
Helpful Hints
Though it’s a revolver, the Brimstone functions far better in close-quarters combat. Its cone of fire is quite tight, meaning it can land more shotgun pellets into the enemy if they’re close enough and offers some effectiveness at mid-range.
The Brimstone is a great pairing with medium and long-range weapons that do not perform as well at close range. Just remember: it’s a revolver that holds a limited number of shells before needing to reload, so be mindful when spraying and praying.