Shop Spotlight! Round Two Discounts

The two classic bundles enter the ring with 30%off theWrestler Bundle and 25%off thePriestess Bundle. You can find a wider collection of Cosmetics on discounts listed below, watching the match play out at the Shop until May 2!

  • Hawaii Chillout Backpack (25% off!) -It’s turtles all the way down, but never too down with this Backpack dedicated to everyone’s favorite friend from the sea.
  • Tribal Weapon Pattern (20% off!) – Tribe?... Tribe! Makes all your weapons feel a part of it.
  • Carnival Traverser (15% off!) - It might seem all colorful and cute, but this Traverser packs a punch, sting, and cotton sling to get you around and about.
  • Hunter Traverser (15% off!) - Let your opponents know you’ve stalked far more fearsome prey with the Hunter Traverser decorated with past trophies.

Items will remain available even once removed from the featured section. To visit the Shop and check out the full collection, stop by the lower deck of the Riftwake and chat with GE-0 or access it via the navigation menu.